Student Responsibility Statement


The Course Syllabus (which includes the Classroom Policies and Class Schedule) serves as a Contract by which the student must comply. An excuse of “not knowing” information covered in these documents is not an acceptable excuse for mistakes in this class.

Students are expected to submit all assignments to the course on the due date.

If extenuating circumstances (such as hospitalization or other serious events) prevent the student from completing the assignment by the deadline, the student is required to e-mail the Course master before he deadline on the assignment to discuss alternatives. If this communication does not occur, 10% of the total points available for that assignment will be deducted daily until the student turns the assignment in.

Students are expected to check their UAB e-mail daily and respond within 48 hours.

Students are expected to follow the instructions for each assignment.mA deduction in points will be applied to submitted assignments which do not comply with the instructions.

Students are expected to devote an average of 8 to 12 hours per week outside of class time to the assignments, readings, and projects associated with this class.

Students are expected to have a back-up plan in the event their computer has operational problems, there is loss of electricity, or there is loss of Internet access. These are not an excuse for late or incomplete submission of assignments nor are they acceptable reasons for an assignment deadline extension. Most public libraries, school libraries, university libraries, etc. have computers with Internet access and are available for use by the public.

Not having a computer, computer problems, computer crashes, loss of Internet and/or lose of electricity are not acceptable excuses for late work, incomplete work or a request for an assignment deadline extension. Students are expected to have a back-up plan in case any of these occur. If technical problems are experienced, contact the UAB AskIT Help Desk.

Students in this class will be expected to: speak and write Standard English, possess independent reading and study skills at the university level, possess basic computer skills, and possess the appropriate computer software and hardware necessary for successful participation in the class.

Please see the course syllabus for the complete list of student responsibilities associated with this class.